Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon

Brian Johnson (MM8807, HF7287, DA707) – Race RecapLincoln Presidential Half MarathonApril 6, 2024Half Marathon 18(ish)State 8Just a fun and hilly race. A bit cold at the start. After a training season that wasn’t always going the way that I liked (crappy weather) my self-confidence heading toward the Carmel Marathon was not where I wanted itContinue reading “Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon”

Running Through History at the Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon

Corinne Balmerchick Milligan(HF11336)-HALF #55, state #31!! It was the 60th anniversary for the #lincolnpresidentialhalfmarathon, so the swag was super amazing! Shirt AND a hoodie! Also, walked in Lincoln’s steps, from the spot where he first practiced law, down #route66 to the cemetery where he was buried. Good times! And the weather was perfect! #hf11336 #turtlerunner🐢Continue reading “Running Through History at the Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon”
